Finally Be You

Own Your Data

Own Your Data

Great business ALWAYS deserves MORE business. Have you ever had an incredible experience? Where 5 Star service was so exceptional you wanted the world to know about it? 

Well now you can get paid; for doing just that! With Referi, Insights Beta community app.

Our Team has Your Back!

Our Team has Your Back!

Simply connect us with a small business you wish to showcase. Include the contacts' full name, phone number & email. For the project location, also include their direct address. Once sent via our convinent Get Started form; a Insight Technician will asses the location to confirm eligibility. 

That's it! Your experience just got compensated - Once onboarded we'll match your experience to the project, close the project and grant your share. 

JUST from your connection.

Build Your Community with Community!

Build Your Community with Community!

Human beings all share one asset in common; TIME. Now for the first time ever; you can ensure an incredible first impression, just by being you.

Tried a new trendy hot spot? Connect & contact us.
Have a local favorite that treats you like family?
Let's make sure clients give them a chance.

Insight's mission is to bridge the gap, by connecting local agents to business worth showcasing!

Let's truly create some remarkable works together.